Witness says that drunken convoy shot at 15,000 in crowd

The Times Online reports (17 May 2005) that witnesses have said that a convoy of Uzbek armoured vehicles raked the Andijan crowd of 15,000 people with gunfire last Friday. People scattered but fell to the ground as high-velocity rounds reached them no matter how far they ran. Witnesses said that security forces then finished off the injured. Find the full story here.

Posted by Cynthia on May 17, 2005 at 01:28 PM in Uzbekistan | Permalink

'China White'

BBC News reported on 21 January 2004 that a narcotic has begun to appear on the streets of Central Asia, which scientists say could be much stronger than heroin and far more addictive. The drug, known as China White, is smuggled across the mountains from China where it is made out of a medical anaesthetic. Find the full story here.

Posted by Cynthia on February 28, 2005 at 11:54 AM in China, Heroin, Uzbekistan | Permalink | Comments (0)