Heroin ship set to be sunk

THE North Korean ship used in an attempt to smuggle 150kg of heroin into Australia was last night moved out of Sydney Harbour in preparation for its sinking.

Despite at least one offer to buy the Pong Su, the Australian Federal Police has ordered the 743-tonne vessel, which has cost $2500 a day to maintain since its capture three years ago, be destroyed.

The Australian reports.

Posted by Cynthia on March 22, 2006 at 02:36 PM in Australia, Heroin, South Korea | Permalink

North Korean Cigarettes Sell Like Hotcakes

The Chosen (Daily News in English about Korea) reports (2 March 2005) that cigarettes from North Korea, which cost only half as much as South Korean cigarettes, are selling like hot cakes in Seoul. They sell for W1,000 a pack, and W8,000 for cartons of 10. Considering that South Korean cigarettes cost more than W2,000 a packet after the W500 price hike at the beginning of the year, they're a good deal. Pyongyang cigarettes can be found in traditional markets and vendors in subway stations. Find the full story here.

Posted by Cynthia on March 24, 2005 at 10:27 AM in North Korea, South Korea, Tobacco | Permalink