Cynthia Belaskie new ADHS secretary treasurer

The new secretary treasurer for the Alcohol and Drugs History Society is Cynthia Belaskie, a doctoral student at York University where her research focuses on women temperance reformers in Britain.  Her postal and email addresses in Canada are:

24 Noble St Unit G4 
Toronto ON 
M6K 2C8 

email: [email protected]

Posted by David Fahey on May 6, 2010 at 06:21 PM in Society News | Permalink

TOC for SHAD, vol. 24, no. 1 (2010)

Social History of Alcohol and Drugs, vol. 24, no. 1 (2010)


Opium, the United States, and the Civilizing Mission in Colonial Southeast Asia
Anne L. Foster

“He is an Excellent Doctor if Called when Sober”: Temperance, Physicians and the American Middle Class, 1800-1860
Scott C. Martin 

Recent Dissertations on Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco and Addiction History
Jonathon Erlen 

Retrospective: The Class of 1979

American Alcohol Studies Matures: The Class of 1979, Thirty Years of Reflection
David T. Courtwright

On Discovering Alcohol History
W. J. Rorabaugh 

American Alcohol Studies Matures: The Class of 1979, Thirty Years of Personal and Historiographical Reflection
Amy Mittelman

Reflections on a Life Drenched in Alcohol
David E. Kyvig 

Bringing the State Back in (to the Tavern)
Thomas R. Pegram 

A Hatchet, a Hole, and a Heel: Signposts for the Next Cohort of Alcohol and Drug Historians
Jack S. Blocker, Jr. 

Book Reviews

David Herzberg. Happy Pills: From Miltown to Prozac.
Andrea Tone. The Age of Anxiety: A History of America’s Turbulent Affair with Tranquilizers.
Reviewed by Pamela E. Pennock 

Axel Klein. Drugs and The World.
Reviewed by Susanne MacGregor

Angus Bancroft. Drugs, Intoxication and Society.
Reviewed by Cara Robinson

Susan Zieger. Inventing the Addict: Drugs, Race and Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century British and American Literature.
Reviewed by Virginia Berridge 

Michael Shiner. Drug Use and Social Change: The Distortion of History.
Reviewed by Alex Mold

Gene M. Heyman. Addiction: A Disorder of Choice.
Reviewed by Elaine Frantz Parsons

Alex Mold. Heroin: The Treatment of Addiction in Twentieth-Century Britain.
Reviewed by Stephen Snelders 

Leslie Iverson. Speed, Ecstasy, Ritalin: The Science of Amphetamines.
Reviewed by Matthew Smith 

Erika Dyck. Psychedelic Psychiatry: LSD From Clinic To Campus.
Reviewed by Suzanne Taylor 

Paul Gootenberg. Andean Cocaine: The Making of a Global Drug.
Reviewed by Joseph Spillane

James Nicholls. The Politics of Alcohol: A History of the Drink Question in England.
Reviewed by Jane McGregor

Scott Martin. The Devil of the Domestic Sphere: Temperance, Gender, and Middle Class Ideology, 1800-1860.
Reviewed by Katherine Chavigny

Julia Roberts. In Mixed Company: Taverns and Public Life in Upper Canada.
Reviewed by Josh McFayden

Christopher Routledge. Cains: The Story of Liverpool in a Pint.
Reviewed by Alistair Mutch 

Del Vance. Beer in the Beehive: A History of Brewing in Utah.
Reviewed by H. Paul Thompson, Jr.

Charles Sullivan. Napa Wine: A History from Mission Days to Present, Second edition.
Reviewed by James Lapsley

Patrick Guinness. Arthur’s Round: The Life and Times of Brewing Legend Arthur Guinness.
Reviewed by Matthew J. Bellamy

Dan Malleck, PhD, Editor-in-Chief
Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.
Editor-in-chief, Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal 

Posted by David Fahey on March 30, 2010 at 05:09 PM in Society News | Permalink

ADHS call for papers (Boston, AHA, January 6-9, 2011)

The Alcohol and Drugs History Group will again have some panels at the annual; American Historical Association to be held in 2011 in Boston from January 6-9.


Please feel free to submit individual paper proposals or panels to W. Scott Haine ([email protected]) before May 10, 2010.  


We encourage papers in all aspects of the history of alcohol and drugs, their regulation, consumption, and production. 


Feel free to contact Scott at any point regarding your ideas.

Posted by David Fahey on February 15, 2010 at 07:49 PM in Academia, Society News | Permalink

ADHS conference at Glasgow, June 2009: Report by David T. Courtwright

I promised a brief report on the Glasgow meeting of June 26-28. In reviewing my notes--necessarily fragmentary, because of the many concurrent sessions--I would say that the meeting more than lived up to its global billing.  More than forty speakers from a dozen countries presented papers on topics ranging from khat to cocaine. What most impressed me, though, was the variety of approaches. James Nicholls, for example, used political philosophy as a frame for prohibition history, showing how the policy evoked fundamental problems and tensions within the liberal tradition. Alex Kreit did something similar with the U.S. drug war by making explicit its contradictory impulses (reconcilable, I think, at the level of authoritarian psychology) to protect and punish the young. Aija Kaartinen used journalistic and voting evidence to reconstruct ethnocultural and gender patterns of support for and opposition to prohibition in Finland. Harry Yi-Jui Wu combined ethnographic and fragmentary epidemiological evidence to tell the story of alcoholism among indigenous Formosan peoples after World War II. Psychologist Bruce Alexander used ethnohistory and a natural experiment to argue that cultural destruction, not alcohol per se, was the real killer of indigenous Canadians. Rami Regavim looked at opium in Iran through the lens of economic history, stressing its production and its importance as a source of government revenue. Dan Malleck evoked Weber, Foucault, and the photographic record to interpret attempts to manage respectable drinking in Ontario in the 1930s and 1940s. I left the three-day meeting feeling as if I had just completed, on a crash-course basis, a particularly ambitious graduate methods seminar. I take this as a sign of the maturation of the field and its continued appeal across disciplines.

The business meeting was well attended. I reported that it was still uncertain where the next meeting would be held. A meeting in China is one possibility, if funding and other issues can be resolved; the University of Buffalo is another possibility, though it is only in the early stages of discussion. Dan Malleck reported on the status of the journal, solicited volunteers for the post of treasurer, and asked if anyone was interested in the possibility of starting an ADHS group blog. (A much fuller statement of this idea, prepared by Joseph Spillane, appears on the ADHS members' listserv. Joe would have made the presentation himself, but he could not attend the meeting in person.) Scott Martin announced that the organizers of the Policy History Conference (meeting in Columbus, Ohio, June 3-June 6, 2010) are keenly interested in papers and panels on alcohol and drug policy history. Other meetings mentioned included a conference on drug policy and history in El Paso, Texas, in September 2009 (Chuck Ambler can provide details), the annual ADHS sessions at the AHA meeting in San Diego, January 7-10, 2010, and a conference on Intoxicants and Intoxication in Cultural and Historical Perspective will be held in Christ's College, Cambridge, July 20-July 22, 2010. In short, opportunities galore.

The facilities at the University of Strathclyde were excellent. The reception at the Glasgow City Chambers, the conference dinner at the Arta Restaurant, and the tour of the Glengoyne Distillery were wet, sociable, and memorable. None of this would have been possible without the splendid organizing work of Patricia Barton and James Mills and support from the ADHS, the Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare, the Wellcome Trust, and the Bowling Green State University Graduate Program in Public Policy. I know that I speak for all the attendees in extending thanks to these individuals and organizations.

Respectfully submitted,

David T. Courtwright
ADHS President and
Presidential Professor
Dept. of History
University of North Florida
Jacksonville, FL 32224-2645

Posted by David Fahey on July 16, 2009 at 03:31 PM in Society News | Permalink

Call for Papers: Alcohol & Drugs History Society

Dear ADHS Members:

Here are the upcoming meetings of the American Historical Association. We have two panels for 2010 but there is plenty of time to develop panels for future meetings. I have listed the upcoming meeting of the AHA below. Please feel free to send either paper proposals or full panels. If I receive your proposals before January 2010, I will submit them for the main program of the AHA. Even if the AHA program committee reject them, there is a good chance that the ADHS will place them on its affiliate program. Thanks so much for your consideration!

Sincerely, Scott Haine [email protected]

The Next Several Annual Meetings:

2010—San Diego January 7–10
Manchester Grand Hyatt
San Diego Marriott

2011—Boston January 6–9
Boston Marriott Sheraton Boston
Westin Boston

2012—Chicago January 5–8
Sheraton Chicago
Chicago Marriott

2013—New Orleans January 3–6
New Orleans Marriott
Sheraton New Orleans

2014—Washington, D.C. January 2–5
Marriott Wardman Park
Omni Shoreham Hotel

Posted by David Fahey on May 8, 2009 at 08:00 AM in Academia, Alcohol (general), Calls For Papers, Drugs (general), Society News | Permalink

Welcome to the ADHS Daily Register

And to the online home of The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal (SHAD). The site will be updated on a daily basis with news, publications, or resources of interest to members of our group. We encourage you to check back often. Keep reading to find out more about the site and how to contribute to it.

Formerly known as the Alcohol and Temperance History Group, the ADHS is an international group of alcohol, temperance, and drug history scholars. Formerly published as The Social History of Alcohol Review, the SHAD is a scholarly annual featuring peer-reviewed scholarly articles. Please explore the links on the left to learn more about the group and our journal.

The center column of the main page consists of the society's daily weblog. Each post provides information about news, publications, including book reviews, book chapters, and online articles, or other resources of interests for those who study the history of alcohol and drugs.  Each post is filed under one or more "categories" that describe its topical or geographical focus.  By clicking on the "category" links at the right, you can easily sort the content of the weblog.  On every category page, the posts are sorted from new to old.  This makes it easy to view only the material that has been posted since the last time you visited the website.

To Contribute to the Site

The site will be moderated by the Web Editor.  To contribute to the site, please send an email to Matthew McKean, with the complete details of your post, including full bibliographic information, web links, and email addresses, where necessary.  The Web Editor will add your post to the site on your behalf.

This project replaces, and may soon incorporate, the current literature feature from the print journal and the annotated bibliographies from the old Alcohol and Temperance History Group website.

Posted by Cynthia on October 22, 2008 at 05:09 PM in Society News | Permalink

CFP: Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Call for submissions: The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal

The SHAD is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to publishing high-quality original academic research, reflection essays and reviews in the field of alcohol and drug history, broadly construed. We invite authors from a range of disciplines to submit papers on the wide range of topics within the journal’s purview.

General topics include the manufacture, prohibition, consumption and regulation of alcohol, drugs (recreational, pharmaceutical etc), tobacco, coffee, and so on. The disciplinary focus can be broad, from economic, business, political, social, cultural history, to sociology, anthropology and criminology. The journal remains a history journal, however, so the main focus of the papers need to be historical.

The editors are also open to suggestion for special thematic issues. These suggestions should include an idea of whom we could approach as guest editors.

SHAD is published under the auspices of the Alcohol and Drug History Society (ADHS) twice annually, in the Fall (Issue 1) and in the Spring (Issue 2) of each year.

To submit a paper, authors should submit either three copies of a printed manuscript by regular mail or one digital version in MS Word or WordPerfect format to the Editor-in-Chief. Digital copies are preferred, and will usually be evaluated much more quickly than hard copy submissions. We aspire to have decisions to the authors within one or two months of paper submission.

For more information, please contact Dan Malleck, editor-in-chief of SHAD at the email address listed below, or view the society’s website, at the URL listed below.

Dan Malleck, PhD
Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.
Editor-in-chief, Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Posted by David Fahey on September 24, 2008 at 12:38 PM in Society News | Permalink

CFP: 5th international conference on the history of drugs & alcohol (pathways to prohibition), Glasgow, 26-28 June 2009

The 5th International Conference on the History of Drugs and Alcohol: The Pathways to Prohibition,

26-28th June 2009, CSHHH, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

When John Shanks acquired the Barrhead pottery company to establish his “sanitary engineering workshop” in the late nineteenth century, the decision was more than a simple business one. The man who was to become the President of the Barrhead Evangelist Association chose the town, which bordered Glasgow, as it had the reputation of having the highest number of pubs per head of population. Workers had to sign the temperance pledge to ensure employment. Shanks was following in the footsteps of temperance campaigner Sir William Collins, Glasgow book publisher and Lord Provost who earned the nickname “Water Willie”. In Britain, however, the impact of such campaigners remained local, and only those who adopted the global/colonial platform against intoxicants met with success. Such limited influence paved the ground for the British anti-intoxicant policy of the twentieth century which rejected prohibition for the medical solution, ultimately another localised response to local problems.

The conference is seeking papers on the broad subject of the ‘pathways to prohibition’, the underlying motives governing policy and reactions to policymaking across the globe. Proposed papers or panels can be on any topic in the history of drugs and alcohol, but some issues to be considered include the ways in which the cultures of consumption evolved to meet the challenge of prohibition; the impact upon previously good citizens, including distillers and brewers, whose activities were now criminalised; the changing images of consumption under prohibition policies; the construction of consumption which underlay decisions to instigate prohibition or reject it; the effectiveness of the merging of local initiatives with national and international politics of prohibition.

Abstracts of proposed papers (no more than 500 words long) or of proposed panels should be sent by email, fax or post by November 15th 2008 to

Dr Patricia Barton
Dept of History
University of Strathclyde
16 Richmond Street
G1 1XQ
E: [email protected]
Tel: 44 (0)141 548 2932/ Fax: 44 (0)141 552 8509

Posted by David Fahey on September 18, 2008 at 01:09 PM in Academia, Alcohol (general), Drugs (general), Prohibition, Scotland, Society News | Permalink

Volume 21, Number 2 now available online

Volume 21, Number 2 is now available for download through the links on the left.

Posted by Jon on August 11, 2008 at 12:36 PM in Society News | Permalink

SHAD 22/2 (Spring 2008)

The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: an Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 22, no. 2 (Spring 2008) has been published. Under the guest editorship of Catherine Carstairs and Norman Smith, this SHAD issue presents nine papers from "Global Aproaches," the fourth international alcohol and drug history conference, held in August 2007 at the University of Guelph in Canada. The issue also includes seven book reviews. The cover features an old Bayer ad that promotes several health aids including heroin (good for coughs).

Posted by David Fahey on August 8, 2008 at 07:25 PM in Society News | Permalink