ADHS call for papers (Boston, AHA, January 6-9, 2011)

The Alcohol and Drugs History Group will again have some panels at the annual; American Historical Association to be held in 2011 in Boston from January 6-9.


Please feel free to submit individual paper proposals or panels to W. Scott Haine ([email protected]) before May 10, 2010.  


We encourage papers in all aspects of the history of alcohol and drugs, their regulation, consumption, and production. 


Feel free to contact Scott at any point regarding your ideas.

Posted by David Fahey on February 15, 2010 at 07:49 PM in Academia, Society News | Permalink

Drinking Games, from Bolivia to Connecticut (article)

Michael Gladwell, "Drinking Games," New Yorker, Feb. 15, 2010.  Thank you to Kevin Grace for the tip.  The article recounts a research finding from the 1950s when Dwight Heath was a young anthropology graduate student at Yale. Both the Camba in Bolivia and Italian-Americans in New Haven, Connecticut, drank a good deal but did not display anti-social behavior.  For an abstract of the article, see here.

Posted by David Fahey on February 12, 2010 at 06:31 PM in Academia, Alcohol (general), Bolivia, Rum, United States, Wine | Permalink

Call for Papers: Alcohol & Drugs History Society

Dear ADHS Members:

Here are the upcoming meetings of the American Historical Association. We have two panels for 2010 but there is plenty of time to develop panels for future meetings. I have listed the upcoming meeting of the AHA below. Please feel free to send either paper proposals or full panels. If I receive your proposals before January 2010, I will submit them for the main program of the AHA. Even if the AHA program committee reject them, there is a good chance that the ADHS will place them on its affiliate program. Thanks so much for your consideration!

Sincerely, Scott Haine [email protected]

The Next Several Annual Meetings:

2010—San Diego January 7–10
Manchester Grand Hyatt
San Diego Marriott

2011—Boston January 6–9
Boston Marriott Sheraton Boston
Westin Boston

2012—Chicago January 5–8
Sheraton Chicago
Chicago Marriott

2013—New Orleans January 3–6
New Orleans Marriott
Sheraton New Orleans

2014—Washington, D.C. January 2–5
Marriott Wardman Park
Omni Shoreham Hotel

Posted by David Fahey on May 8, 2009 at 08:00 AM in Academia, Alcohol (general), Calls For Papers, Drugs (general), Society News | Permalink

CFP: 5th international conference on the history of drugs & alcohol (pathways to prohibition), Glasgow, 26-28 June 2009

The 5th International Conference on the History of Drugs and Alcohol: The Pathways to Prohibition,

26-28th June 2009, CSHHH, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

When John Shanks acquired the Barrhead pottery company to establish his “sanitary engineering workshop” in the late nineteenth century, the decision was more than a simple business one. The man who was to become the President of the Barrhead Evangelist Association chose the town, which bordered Glasgow, as it had the reputation of having the highest number of pubs per head of population. Workers had to sign the temperance pledge to ensure employment. Shanks was following in the footsteps of temperance campaigner Sir William Collins, Glasgow book publisher and Lord Provost who earned the nickname “Water Willie”. In Britain, however, the impact of such campaigners remained local, and only those who adopted the global/colonial platform against intoxicants met with success. Such limited influence paved the ground for the British anti-intoxicant policy of the twentieth century which rejected prohibition for the medical solution, ultimately another localised response to local problems.

The conference is seeking papers on the broad subject of the ‘pathways to prohibition’, the underlying motives governing policy and reactions to policymaking across the globe. Proposed papers or panels can be on any topic in the history of drugs and alcohol, but some issues to be considered include the ways in which the cultures of consumption evolved to meet the challenge of prohibition; the impact upon previously good citizens, including distillers and brewers, whose activities were now criminalised; the changing images of consumption under prohibition policies; the construction of consumption which underlay decisions to instigate prohibition or reject it; the effectiveness of the merging of local initiatives with national and international politics of prohibition.

Abstracts of proposed papers (no more than 500 words long) or of proposed panels should be sent by email, fax or post by November 15th 2008 to

Dr Patricia Barton
Dept of History
University of Strathclyde
16 Richmond Street
G1 1XQ
E: [email protected]
Tel: 44 (0)141 548 2932/ Fax: 44 (0)141 552 8509

Posted by David Fahey on September 18, 2008 at 01:09 PM in Academia, Alcohol (general), Drugs (general), Prohibition, Scotland, Society News | Permalink

Bibliography in progress on the history of coffee (and more)

The website for Bob Thurston's coffee conference (Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, USA, 31 October-1 November 2008) includes a bibliography in progress on the history of coffee (and more). The website is:

The website provides details about the program and explains how to register for the conference.

A Bibliography In Progress on the History of Coffee (and more)

Bibliography, filmography, and sites compiled by Robert Thurston, Miami University. [email protected]

Please send notations of works not cited here to Robert Thurston

Some works not yet located

Johann Jacobs Museum: collection of books, posters, prints. Seefeldquai 17, P.O. Box 147 Zurich CH-8034 385-12-83. Fr-Sat 14-17, Sun 10-17. Visited in 2001, 2006.

Museum of Coffee Technology, Probat-Werke GmbH, Reeser Str. 94, P.O. Box 100752, D-46446 Emmerich, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (49)(2822) 912-313

Albrecht, Peter, Kaffee: zur Sozialgeschichte eines Getraenks; [Ausstellung, Braunschweig, 10.1.- 2.3.1980]

1980 German Book 70 S Ill. Braunschweig
Entry 19710101
Update 20020410
Accession No OCLC 46086519

Allen, Stewart Lee. The Devil's Cup: Coffee, the Driving Force in History. New York: Soho, 1999

Alvarez, Julia A Cafecito Story Chelsea Green Publishing 2004

Amoah, J. E. K. The story of cocoa, coffee, and sheanut : environmental issues and food values Accra-North, Ghana : Jemre Enterprises, c2000

The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, trans. into French by Antoine Galland, 1704. English 1706.

Auslander, Leora. Taste and Power: Furnishing Modern France. Berkeley: U C Pr 1996

Bach, J. S. Kaffeekantate, 1732

Baer, Werner, The Brazilian economy : growth and development. Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2001 5th ed

Ball, Daniela U. Kaffee im Speigel europaischer Trinksitten. Coffee in the Context of European Drinking Habits. Johann Jacobs Museum, Zurich 1991. Veröffentlichungen des Johann Jacobs Museums zur Kulturgeschichte des Kaffees, Band 2.

Balzac, Honore de, Du café, 1838.

Barry, Dave. “The Miami Airport,” in Big Trouble. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, c1999

Bates, Robert H. Open-Economy Politics: The Political Economy of the World Coffee Trade Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997.

Beckford, George L. Persistent Poverty: Underdevelopment in Plantation Economies of the Third World 1972

Best Commercials of the ‘50s and ‘60s

Bevir, Mark, and Frank Trentmann, eds. Governance, Citizens and Consumers: Agency and Resistance in Contemporary Politics (Consumption and Public Life) NY: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007.

Bioscience 46, no. 8 (Sept. ‘96) on shade coffee

Bradshaw, Steve. Café Society. London: 1978.

Blixen, Karen. Out of Africa (The Ngong Farm)

Boehnke-Reich, Heinrich 1885. Not found.

Burnett, John, “Coffee in the British diet, 1650-1990,” in Kaffee im Spiegel

Cafes & coffee shops no. 2 / [editor] Martin M. Pegler New York: Visual Reference Pub., 2001

Caffeinated beverages : health benefits, physiological effects, and chemistry / Thomas H. Parliment, Chi-Tang Ho, Peter Schieberle, editors. Washington, D.C. : American Chemical Society, 2000

“Caffeine and the Enlightenment,” Raritan (2003)

Carbи (Carbe?), Antonio, Il caffe nella storia e nell'arte 1986 2. ed. ampliata Italian Book 95 p. ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. [Milano] Centro Luigi Lavazza per gli studi e le ricerche sul caffe,

Entry 19900321
Update 19970816
Accession No OCLC 37482268

Castle, Timothy James and Joan Nielsen. The great coffee book. Berkeley, Calif. : Ten Speed Press, c1999

Clark, Taylor. Starbucked: A Double Tall Tale of Caffeine, Commerce, and Culture. Little, Brown, and Co. 2007

Clayton, Antony. London's Coffee Houses: A Stimulating Story. London: Phillimore, 2003.

Coffee: a sackful of power / Alexandre Valenti; Gisele Catel 1998, 1997 Portuguese Visual Material Videorecording VHS tape 1 videocassette (52 min.) sd., col., ; 1/2 in. New York, N.Y. Filmakers Library,

Entry 19990108
Update 20000718
Accession No OCLC 40590598

Coffee: The Epic of a Commodity. 1934 docudrama

Coffee: recent developments / edited by R. J. Clarke and O. G. Vitzthum. (Oxford ; Malden, MA: Blackwell Science, 2001)

Collier, George, with Elizabeth Lowery Quaratiello. Basta! Land and the Zapatista Rebellion in Chiapas. Oakland, Calif.: Food First, 1994.

Colombian coffee advertising campaign.

Le commerce du caféé avant l’ère des plantations coloniales: espaces, réseaux, sociétés (XVe-XIXe siècle) / dit par Michel Tuchscherer. Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2001.

Coste, Rene. Les Caféiers et les Cafés dans le Monde. 3 v. Paris: Larose, 1959-1961.

Courtwright, David Forces of habit: drugs and the making of the modern world Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001

Cowan, Brian. The Social Life of Coffee: The Emergence of the British Coffeehouse (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2005

Cycon, Dean. Javatrekker: Dispatches from the World of Fair Trade Coffee

Davenport-Hines, Richard. The Pursuit of Oblivion: A Global History of Narcotics 1500-2000. London: Weidenfeld, 2001).

Dean, Warren. With Broadax and Firebrand: The Destruction of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995).

Di’Conti, Nicolo

Dicum, Gregory and Nina Luttinger. The coffee book: anatomy of an industry from crop to the last drop (New York : New Press : Distributed by W.W. Norton, c1999)

Doyle, Christopher “Caffeine Culture Before Starbucks: Shared Interests, Outlooks, and Addictions in Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World Coffeehouses,” Magazine of History The Atlantic World 18, no. 3, (April 2004) in same no. article on porcelain

DuFour, Sylvester. Traité nouveau et curieux du café, du thé, et du chocolat

Edelbauer, Leopold J., Kaffee: Alles ueber ein Genussmittel das die Welt veraenderte

2000 German Book 119 p. col. ill. ; 25 cm. Wien Pichler,

Entry 20000501
Update 20000818
Accession No OCLC 44775596

Elias, Norbert The Civilizing Process

Ellis, John, 1710?-1776 An historical account of coffee : with an engraving, and botanical description of the tree : to which are added sundry papers relative to its culture and use, as an article of diet and of commerce London : Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, 1774

Ellis, Markman, The Coffee-House: A Cultural History. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2004. ISBN: 0297843192

The entrepreneurship dynamic: origins of entrepreneurship and the evolution of industries, ed. Claudia Bird Schoonhoven and Elaine Romanelli. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2001

Ferré, Felip. Kaffee: Eine Kulturgeschichte (Fr. L’aventure du café) Paris: Denoel, 1988).

Fridell, Gavin. Fair Trade Coffee: The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market-Driven Social Justice. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 2007.

Giovannucci, Daniele works on the web

Globalization on the ground: postbellum Guatemalan democracy and development, ed. Christopher Chase-Dunn, Susanne Jonas, and Nelson Amaro. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001 Ch. 8 Coffee and the Guatemalan State / Stephen G. Bunker

Goldoni, Carlo The coffee house ; translated by Jeremy Parzen ; introduction by Franco Fido New York : Marsilio Publishers, 1998

Gresser, Charis and Sophia Tickell Mugged: Poverty in Your Coffee Cup Oxfam, 2002

Habermas, Jürgen. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society. Trans. Thomas Burger and Frederick Lawrence. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989.

Hadwiger, Peter, Jochen Hippler, [und] Helmut Lotz Kaffee: Gewöhnheit und Konsequenz /, gemeinsam herausgegeben mit der Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Partnerschaft mit der Dritten Welt. St. Gallen : Edition diб, 1984, c1983

Haines, F. H. Historian of Lloyd’s

Hanoum, Leila. Souvenir sur le harem

Hattox, Ralph S. Coffee and coffeehouses : the origins of a social beverage in the medieval Near East Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1988

Heise, Ulla. Coffee and coffee-houses West Chester, Penn.: Schiffer Pub., 1987

Heise, Ulla, and Beatrix Wolff Metternich, Freifrau von. Coffeum wirft die Jungfrau um Kaffee und Erotik /

1998 German Book 124 p. ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. Leipzig Gustav Kiepenheuer, ISBN3378010282

Entry 19980921
Update 20000413
Accession No OCLC 40289747

Howard, Brian C. “Grounds for Change, The Tempest Brewing in Your Morning Cup,” E/The Environmental Magazine, Nov.-Dec. 2005, on line at

Howell, James ?

Hünersdorff, Richard von, and Holger G. Hasenkamp Coffee: A bibliography. Two volumes, 1,687 pp. Hünersdorff, PO Box 582, London

Illy, Francesco and I. Riccardo. Kafee von der Bohne zum Espresso (Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1989).

ITC (2002) Coffee: An Exporter’s Guide. International Trade Center. Geneva: UNCTAD/WTO

Jacob, Heinrich Eduard. Sage und Siegeszug des Kaffees; die Biographie eines weltwirtschaftlichen Stoffes. Berlin, Rowohlt [1964]

_________. Coffee: The Epic of a Commodity. trans. Eden and Cedar Paul. NY: Viking, 1935.

Jamieson, R. W., “The Essence of Commodification: Caffeine dependencies in the Early Modern World, Journal of Social History 35, no. 2 (2001) 269-94.

Joffe, Josef ?

Jourdain, John, Eng. visited Mocha 1606

Juenger, Wolfgang, Herr Ober, ein' Kaffee! Illustrierte Kulturgeschichte des Kaffeehauses.

1955 German Book 245 p. illus. 23 cm. Muenchen, W. Goldmann

Entry 19800828
Update 19911115
Accession No OCLC 6664215

Kieran, J. A. “The Origins of Commercial Arabica Coffee Production in East Africa,” African Historical Studies 2, no. 1 (1969), 51-67.

Kikumura, Akemi and Eiichito Azuma and Darcie C. Iki. The Kona Coffee Story: Along the Hawaii Belt Road. Los Angeles, Japanese American National Museum, 1995.

Kinro, Gerald Y. A Cup of Aloha: The Kona Coffee Epic. Honolulu, U of Hawaii Press, 2003.

Knox, Kevin and Julie Sheldon Huffaker. Coffee Basics: a quick and easy guide. New York : John Wiley, c1997.

Koehler, Franz A. Coffee for the Armed Forces: military development and conversion to industry supply Washington, D.C.: Historical Branch, Office of the Quartermaster General, 1958

Kolpas, Norman. A cup of coffee: from plantation to pot, a coffee lover's guide to the perfect brew New York : Grove Press, 1993 Science Lib 3rd Flr TX817.C6 K65 1993

Krug, C. A. and R. A. De Poerck, World Coffee Survey. Rome: FAO, 1968.

Lauria-Santiago, Aldo. An Agrarian Republic: Commercial Agriculture and the Politics of Peasant Communities in El Salvador, 1923-1914. University of Pittsburgh, 1999.

Lewin, Bryan, Daniele Giovannucci, and Panayotis Varangis. “Coffee Markets: New Paradigms in Global Supply and Demand. Agriculture and Rural Development,” Washington, World Bank, 2004. Available through their web site.

Liss, David The Coffee Trader (novel) NY: Random House, 2003

Lorenzetti, Linda Rice. The birth of coffee. photographs by Daniel Lorenzetti New York : Clarkson Potter, 2000

Massia, Pierre; Hugo Rombouts, Le café.

1995 French Book 174, [2] p. ill. (chiefly col.), col. map ; 23 cm. Brussels Artoria, ISBN2873911018

Entry 19971204
Update 19971204
Accession No OCLC 38037218

Macfarlane, Alan and Iris, Green Gold: The Empire of Tea. A Remarkable History of the Plant that Took Over the World

Malone ? 1618

Martinez-Torres, Maria Elena. Organic Coffee. Sustainable Development by Mayan Farmers. Ohio University, 2006.

McDonald, Michelle Craig. “From cultivation to cup: Caribbean coffee and the North American economy, 1765--1805.” PhD diss U of Michigan 2005. Publication Number: AAT 3163885. Document URL: ProQuest document ID: 885690961

Michelet, Jules. Mon Journal

Michelli, Joseph. The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary. McGraw-Hill, 2006.

Miller, Henry. Tropic of Cancer passage on coffee

Molière. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. 1670.

Morton, Timothy. The Poetics of Spice: Romantic Consumerism and the Exotic. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000

________, ed. Radical Food: The Culture and Politics of Eating and Drinking, 1780-1830. Routledge, 2000

Mshomba, Richard E., Africa in the global economy Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2000. Case 2: From Coffee to Cut Flowers in Tanzania: The International Coffee Agreement.

Multatuli (Edward Dekker), Max Havelaar; or, The coffee sales of the Netherlands Trading Company, (1860) translated from the Dutch by W. Siebenhaar, with an introduction by D. H. Lawrence. New York, London, A.A. Knopf, 1927

Naro, Nancy. A slave's place, a master's world: fashioning dependency in rural Brazil London ; New York : Continuum, 2000.

Ortiz, Fernando. Cuban Counterpoint: Coffee and Sugar. 1941, reprint Duke U. P.

Oxfam. Mugged: Poverty in Your Coffee Cup, 2002. See Gresser above

Paige, Jeffrey M. Coffee and Power: Revolution and the Rise of Democracy in Central America Harvard U P, 1997.

Pendergrast, Mark. Uncommon grounds : the history of coffee and how it transformed our world New York : Basic Books, 1999.

Picard, Liza. Dr. Johnson's London : coffee-houses and climbing boys, medicine, toothpaste and gin, poverty and press-gangs, freakshows and female education. New York : St. Martin's Press, 2001

Pico, Fernando Amargo Café on Puerto Rico

Pincus, Steve. “‘Coffee Politicians Does Create’: Coffeehouses and Restoration Political Culture,” Journal of Modern History 67 (December 1995).

Pomeranz, Kenneth and Steven Topik. The World that Trade Created: Society, Culture and the World Economy 1400-the Present. NY: M.E. Sharpe 1999

Posey, Sandra Mizumoto Café nation: coffee folklore, magick, and divination. Santa Monica, CA : Santa Monica Press, 2000.

Rekel, Gerhard, Der Duft des Kaffees: Die Geschichte einer Verschwörung, Roman, 260 Seiten (dtv, 2006) ISBN 3-423-24505-0

Reid, T. R. “Caffeine,” National Geographic 207, no. 1 (January 2005).

Rice, Paul D. and Jennifer McLean, Sustainable Coffee at the Crossroads Consumer’s Choice Council, Washington DC, 1999

Rice, Robert, “Coffee Production in a Time of Crisis: Social and Environmental Connections,” SAIS Review 23, no. 1 (January 1, 2003), 221-245. Available

Rimbaud, Arthur. Une saison en enfer & Le bateau ivre. A season in hell & The drunken boat. English translation by Louise Varèe. Norfolk, Conn., J. Laughlin, 1961.

Rindova, Violina P. and Charles J. Fombrun Entrepreneurial Action in the Creation of the Specialty Coffee Niche

Rodekamp, Volker, Martin Beutelspacher, and Ursula Ahlers, Kaffee, Kultur eines Getraenks Mindener Museum, 1987 /

1987 German Book 119 p. 65 ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm. Minden Das Museum,

Entry 19890927
Update 19950504
Accession No OCLC 21674126

Roden, Claudia. Coffee London: Faber & Faber, 1977.

Roseberry, William, Lowell Gudmundson, and Mario Samper Kutschbach, eds., Coffee, Society, and Power in Latin America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995

Safford, Frank and Marco Palacios. Colombia: fragmented land, divided society New York : Oxford University Press, 2002

Salvandy, Narcisse-Achille ?

Schapira, Joel, David, & Karl. The book of coffee & tea; a guide to the appreciation of fine coffees, teas, and herbal beverages. illustrated by Meri Shardin New York, St. Martin's Press [c1975]

Schindler, Anton On Beethoven & coffee

Schivelbusch, Wolfgang. Tastes of Paradise: A Social History of Spices, Stimulants, and Intoxicants. Trans. David Jacobson (NY: Vintage, 1992).

Schnapp, Jeffrey T. “The Romance of Caffeine and Aluminum,” in Things, ed. Bill Brown (Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 2004).

Schnyder-v. Waldkirch, Antoinette. Kleine Kulturgeschichte des Kaffees. Zurich, J. J. Museum, 1991.

Schultz, Howard, and Dori Jones Yang Pour your heart into it: How Starbucks built a company one cup at a time New York, NY : Hyperion, 1997

Sick, Deborah (1999) Farmers of the Golden Bean: Costa Rican Households and the Global Coffee Economy. Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press.

Simmons, John. My Sister's a Barista: How They Made Starbucks a Home Away from Home. London: Cyan Communications; Rev Ed edition, 2005.

Smith, Gary Michael, Coffee and coffeehouses: a local and international history

1999 English Book vii, 51 p. ; 22 cm. New Orleans, LA Chatgris Press, ISBN0965838021

Entry 20000719
Update 20000719
Accession No OCLC 44613640

Die sozialen Verhaeltnisse der Kaffee-haus-Angestellten; eine Gefahr fuer das Kaffeehaus besuchende Publikum.

Gehilfenausschuss der Genossenschaft der Kaffeesieder in Wien.; Zentral-Organisation der Hotel,-Gast-und Kaffeehausangestellten Oesterreichs, und vom Gehifenausschuss der Genossenschaft der Kaffeesieder in Wien. 1913 German Book 29 p. Wien,

Entry 19990309
Update 19990309
Accession No OCLC 40930893

Standage, Tom. A History of the World in Six Glasses. NY: Walker and Company, 2005.

Stella, Alain. Le livre du cafe (Paris: Flammarion, 1996).

St. Serfe, Thomas, Sir, fl. Tarugo's wiles, or, The coffee-house: a comedy: as it was acted at His Highness's the Duke of York's Theater. London : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1668. Microform Storage - IMC PR 1101 .E372 1368:14

Stewart, Randal G. Coffee: The Political Economy of an Export Industry in Papua New Guinea 1992

Sweet, Leonard. The Gospel According to Starbucks: Living with a Grande Passion. WaterBrook Press, 2007.

Talbot, John. Grounds for Agreement. The Political Economy of the Coffee Commodity Chain. Rowman and Littlefield, 2004.

Tatham, John. Knavery in all trades, or, The coffee-house: a comedy. London : Printed by J.B. for W. Gilbertson, and H. Marsh, 1664. Microform Storage - IMC Microfiche PN 1621 .T575 En 1642-1700

Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste, 1605-1689. The six voyages of John Baptista Tavernier, Baron of Aubonne, through Turky, into Persia and the East-Indies, for the space of forty years [electronic resource] : giving an account of the present state of those countries ... : to which is added, a new description of the seraglio / made English by J. P. ; added likewise, A voyage into the Indies, &c. by an English traveller, never before printed, publish'd by Dr Daniel Cox. London : Printed by William Godbid, for Robert Littlebury at the King's Arms in Little Britain, and Moses Pitt at the Angel in St Paul's Church-yard, 1677 Internet Resource PR 1101 ONLINE

Thurston, Robert. “Coffee,” entry for France and the Americas: Culture, Politics, History, ed. Bill Marshall, Oxford/Santa Barbara, ABC-Clio, 2005.

Tlusty, B. Ann. Bacchus and Civic Order: The Culture of Drink in Early Modern Germany Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2001

Topik, Steven C., and Allen Wells, eds., The second conquest of Latin America: coffee, henequen, and oil during the export boom, 1850-1930. Austin: University of Texas Press, Institute of Latin American Studies, 1998.

Topik, Steven C., and William Gervase Clarence-Smith, eds., The Global Coffee Economy in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, 1500-1989. Cambridge, England: Cambridge U P, 2003 HD9195.A3512 G58 2003

Tucker, Richard P., Insatiable appetite: The United States and the ecological degradation of the tropical world Berkeley : University of California Press, c2000 Chap. 4 The Last Drop: The American Coffee Market and the Hill Regions of Latin America

Ukers, William H. All About Coffee. 2nd ed. New York, The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal Company, 1935.

_____. The romance of coffee; an outline history of coffee and coffee-drinking through a thousand years. New York, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal Co., 1948.

Vega, Fernando. “The Rise of Coffee,” American Scientist, ? March 2008

Voltaire, Le café, ou l’Écossaise, 1760. Eng. translation same year as The Coffee House, or Fair Fugitive.

The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 23, 1995 on Starbucks and labor

Waridel, Laurie Coffee With Pleasure: Just Java and World Trade Black Rose Books, Montreal Quebec, Canada, 2002

Weinberg, Bennett Alan and Bonnie K. Bealer. The world of caffeine: the science and culture of the world's most popular drug. New York: Routledge, 2001

Weiss, Brad. Sacred Trees, Bitter Harvests: Globalizing Coffee in Northwest Tanzania. Heinemann, 2003.

Wien und seine Kaffeehaeuser: Eine literarischer Streifung durch die beruhmstesten Cafes der Donaumetropole. Herausgegeben von Petra Neumann. Muenchen: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, 1997.

Wild, Antony. Coffee: A Dark History (NY: Norton, 2004).

Williams, Robert G. States and Social Evolution: Coffee and the Rise of Governments in Central America U. North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, 1994

Willson, K. C. (Ken C.) Coffee, cocoa and tea. Oxon; New York: CABI Pub., c1999

Wintgens, Jean Nicolas, ed. Coffee: Growing, Processing, Sustainable Production. A Guidebook for Growers, Processors, Traders, and Researchers. Wiley/VCH, 2004.

Women of the Mexican Countryside, 1850-1990. ed. Heather Fowler-Salamini and Mary Kay Vaughn Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1994.

Wrigley on coffee ??

Young, Arthur on Fr. Cafes on eve of Rev.

Young, Isabel Nelson. The story of coffee; history, growing, preparation for market, characteristics, vacuum packing, brewing. New York? 1935.


Black Coffee

Black Gold, documentary film, Mark and Nick Francis, Britain, 2006.

Caffe Ambience

Cappuccino Trail

Coffee Tea Production and Vintage Commericals

Gourmet Coffee

Kauai Coffee

Men with Guns, feature film, dir. John Sayles, US, 1997

The Passionate Harvest.

Spilling the Beans

The strength of the indigenous people of Mut Vitz (Svokolik vatz'l viniketik sventa Mut Vitz), documentary video produced by the Chiapas Media Project Chicago, IL : Chiapas Media Project, 2000

Vintage Coffee and Coffee House films historical films: classic coffee ads, coffee industry films, coffee training films for workers.

Posted by David Fahey on March 26, 2008 at 10:03 PM in Academia, Coffee | Permalink

Coffee conference at Miami University (Ohio), 31 October-1 November 98)

Here is a tentative conference schedule for Robert Thurston's coffee conference at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, USA, 31 October-1 November 2008. Details about registration will follow.

Tentative Conference Schedule

Friday October 31-Saturday November 1, 2008.


1) Research on the coffee plant and its ecology

Robert Rice, Smithsonian Bird Project

Kennedy T. K. Gitonga, Research Officer - Economist, Ruiru, Kenya

Stuart McCook, Guelph University, on coffee rust disease

Comment Charlie Kwit, Wittenberg U.

2) Sustainability

Geoff Watts, Intelligentsia Coffee, on sustainability

Ernest Carman, Caf Cristina, Costa Rica, on running a sustainable farm

Comment SCAA rep

3) Structure of the coffee business

Ilhem Baghdadli, World Bank

P&G rep to be named

comment ?

Keynote address following dinner by Sidney Mintz, Johns Hopkins University


4) Selling coffee

Kim Moore, Dir. of Business DevelopmentCoffee and Hot Beverages, TransFair USA

Manoel Correa do Lago, Rio de Janeiro, coffee exporter


5) Situation of small farmers

PEARL Project, Michigan State U. Dan Clay or another rep.

Cecocafen rep (Nicaragua) Guatemalan farmer?

comment ?

6) Taste and images

Kenneth Davids The Coffee Review, Consumption from a theoretical pt of view

Robert Thurston, Miami U. The changing image of coffee 1660-present

Comment Bruce Robbins, Columbia U.

7) The popularity and spread of coffee

Steven Topik, UC Irvine Why Americans Came to Like Coffee

Jonathan Morris, U. of Hertfordshire, Why the British Like Italian Coffee

comment William Clarence-Smith, School of Oriental and African Studies, U. Of London

Posted by David Fahey on February 27, 2008 at 04:30 PM in Academia, Coffee | Permalink

Conference on the Moral, Economic, and Social Life of Coffee

A Conference on the Moral, Economic, and Social Life of Coffee
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (fall 2008)

organized by Robert Thurston, Professor of History, Miami U.
[email protected]

Dates: Friday, October 31-Saturday, November 1, 2008.

Participants are asked to reach Oxford, using the Cincinnati (CVG) or Dayton (DAY)
international airport, one day before the conference begins.

Purpose: To bring together people from business and academia, drawing
from various sectors and levels of the coffee business and from
scholars who study the industry, the drink, and its impact on
societies around the world. To discuss the problems facing coffee
farmers, sustainable production, the environment, and the future of
coffee. To increase public awareness of issues of politics, ecology,
and social justice connected with the industry. To develop materials
for a book that will draw together stories and opinions from many
areas and levels of coffee production, processing, and marketing. To
develop a portal web site for coffee studies.

Audience: General and academic. Miami University, a beautiful campus,
is located an hour from both Cincinnati and Dayton, two hours from
Columbus; Lexington, Kentucky; and Bloomington and Indianapolis,
Indiana. Oxford, Ohio is an hour from both the Cincinnati and Dayton
airports. Announcements of the conference will be placed on listservs
and in academic and trade journals. Anticipated attendance is

Background: Coffee is the second most valuable commodity traded
legally around the world. It has played a crucial role in
globalization since the 17th century, and it is central to the study
of globalization's continuing effects. Grown in more than 50
countries by 20-25 million families, then processed, traded, and sold
by millions of other people. Coffee is an immensely important item in
the world economy. Beginning with English coffee houses in the 1650s,
the drink's impact on western social, cultural, and political life has
been huge. It has played a major role in social upheaval in Latin
America but also in achieving stability in Costa Rica. Coffee has
been a basic factor in bringing profound social and racial change to
various regions of the world, while it has provided an important
source of foreign exchange to many producing countries.

Keynote Speaker: Sidney Mintz, one of the world's foremost
anthropologists, author of Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in
Modern History. Professor Mintz will speak on issues of how and why
consumers "choose" various commodities among all those available to
them. His talk will bring insights from anthropology and history
together and will provide a framework for the conference.

The Conference: Speakers will consider coffee's past and continuing
impact on issues of labor supply and conditions, market fluctuations,
new technology, the environment (including eco-tourism), political
change, and social justice. Bringing people involved in the business,
from farms to roasters to multi-national firms, together with scholars
concerned with many aspects of coffee's impact in past and present
should produce a forum for lively and productive interchange.

Anticipated Results: A book drawn from conference proceedings should
have wide appeal for classroom use and general readers. The organizer
has experience in producing such a volume. The book will present
stories and opinions about what is involved at each level of the
coffee business and present case studies of coffee's social,
political, and environmental impact. Since the point of the
conference is to allow participants to communicate with each other and
the general public about coffee, articles will be jargon-free and
clear. We also plan to create a permanent web site as a portal to
other sites, articles, and bibliographies on coffee.

A nominal charge will be made for attendance, which will cover costs
of the program, lunch on Friday and Saturday, coffee and snacks.

Other participants include:

Kennedy T. K. Gitonga, Research Officer - Economist, Ruiru, Kenya

Stuart McCook, Guelph University, on coffee rust disease

Charlie Kwit, Wittenberg U.

Geoff Watts, Intelligentsia Coffee, on sustainability

Ernest Carman, Café Cristina, Costa Rica, on running a sustainable farm

Ilhem Baghdadli, World Bank

Procter &Gamble rep to be named

Kim Moore, Dir. of Business Development–Coffee and Hot Beverages, TransFair USA

Manoel Correa do Lago, Rio de Janeiro, coffee exporter

Kenneth Davids The Coffee Review

Robert Thurston, Miami U.

Bruce Robbins, Columbia U.

Steven Topik, UC Irvine

Jonathan Morris, U. of Hertfordshire

William Clarence-Smith, School of Oriental and African Studies, U. of London

Posted by David Fahey on February 4, 2008 at 02:41 PM in Academia, Coffee | Permalink

Research Centre for the History of Food & Drink, University of Adelaide

Research Centre for the History of Food & Drink, University of Adelaide, Australia
For its website, see here.

Abstracts of papers (some of them not recent, so the biographical information may not always be accurate).

Several of the papers appear in full in Robert Dare, ed. Food, Power and Community (Wakefield Press), namely those of Andrea Cast, Brett J. Stubbs, and Anna E. Blainey (and can be read via Google)

Anna Blainey, Wowserism Reconsidered: The Ethos of the Total Abstinence and Prohibition Movements in Australia, 1880-1910
Unlike the US anti-alcohol movement, little has been written on the movement in Australia. The one widely read work on this subject, Keith Dunstan'sWowsers, draws largely from the words of the anti-drink movement's opponents who attributed to the teetotallers largely imaginary motives and obscured their true agenda. The so-called "wowsers" themselves, however, did not see drink in terms of the spiritual evils of pleasure as their enemies insisted. Rather, they presented drinking and especially moderate drinking as an unethical act - an act which impacted on and harmed others in various and complex ways. Their anger, however, was directed not at drinking but rather at drink selling which they saw in terms of the infliction of damage on others - comparable to crimes of violence against the person. The anti-drink movement saw alcohol as the expression of the ethos of individualism and the profit motive at the expense of social responsibility and community protection.
Anna Blainey is currently completing a PhD at La Trobe University. She has taught and written teaching texts for History and Women's Studies subjects at Deakin University.

PO Box 257, East Melbourne VIC 3002
[email protected]

George Bretherton, Food, Drink, Sex and The Body in the Light of Temperance Propaganda in the British Isles, 1830-60
The way temperance advocates developed their notions about what was fit or not to ingest naturally had basic and very profound effects on all sorts of attitudes towards food and drink. Alcohol, which had been regarded as a health and strength giving substance in the pre-temperance days, had to be discredited, which was done mainly in two ways. First by showing that alcohol was unhealthy, an argument put forward in medical treatises--Irish and Scottish physicians were especially important among the first generation of temperance people--and in more homely ways; Joseph Livesy's malt lecture is a good example a talk he gave to many a Mechanics' Institute audience in which he subjected a pint of beer to chemical analysis, revealing that far from deserving the appellation "liquid bread" it consisted entirely of poisons. The relation between food and drink also needed to be rethought. If drinking was healthy and the more you drank the healthier you were then a stout physique and a red face, not atypical results, were signs of health.
Dr. George Bretherton is Associate Professor of History at Montclair State University in New Jersey. He wrote his PhD dissertation on the Irish temperance movement, has published many article and given many conference papers on various aspects of the history of the temperance movement, and is currently working on the role of Theobald Matthew in the temperance movement.

Department of History, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, New Jersey 07043

Andrea Cast, Drinking Women in Early Modern English Drinking Songs
Drinking alcohol has always been a significant event, imbued with cultural values and meanings. In early modern England everyone drank alcohol every day. What can we learn about early modern English society from looking at the public drinking of women? We do not have access to direct information about alehouse and tavern culture but we do have many of the ballads that were written, sung, sold and displayed there. From these drinking songs historians can glean information that may shed some light on how women participated in what can only be described as the national pastime.
Andrea Cast is a PhD candidate in the Department of History at The University of Adelaide. Her thesis topic is the consumption of alcohol by women in early modern England.

Department of History, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5000
[email protected]

Valmai Hankel, The Eager Oenographers
Unlike today, most books on wine published in Australia in the nineteenth century were written by winegrowers for winegrowers rather than for consumers. At the same time, in England wine book writers were sometimes wine merchants, whose opinions of Australian wines were often less than flattering. This paper will look at nineteenth-century Australian wine books and the portrayal of Australian wines in English books of the same period. It will draw on the resources of the State Library of South Australia, which has the largest collection of wine literature in the southern hemisphere.
Valmai Hankel is Senior Rare Books Librarian at the State Library of South Australia. She is the wine writer for The Adelaide Review and also writes a column on wine history for the national magazine Winestate. For six years she chaired the Consumer Panel of judges for the Advertiser-Hyatt Regency South Australian Wine of the Year Awards.

State Library of South Australia, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000
[email protected]

Annie Harper, Strong Beere and Merry Lads: Drinking Culture and Popular Song in Early Modern England
This paper explores the culture of drinking in Early Modern England through the rich source of popular song. The first part of the paper examines the relationship between drinking and popular balladry. Records from the Jacobean Star Chamber offer evidence about the dissemination and composition of these songs, and indicate that the Alehouse was an important centre for the creation and dissemination of Ballads. Printed urban Broadsides were also heavily flavoured by drinking culture, and Ballad publishers, authors and performers were often associated with urban drinking establishments.
The relationship between drinking and music was symbiotic, as both the audience and the performance space of the Alehouse was reflected in the content of these songs. The second part of this paper looks at this content, examining the two main thematic motifs found in these drinking songs. One emphasises the companionship and community cohesion found in communal drinking ballads; the other represents the problems associated with drink in society, a tradition of social comment through song. In this way I shall explore some of the ambiguities associated with drinking culture at the time.
Annie Harper is a PhD candidate in the Department of History at the University of Melbourne. Her thesis topic is popular ballads in early modern England.

Department of History, University of Melbourne, Parkville VIC 3052
[email protected]

Cath Kerry, Chocolate: A History
Chocolate, as the confectionary bar we eat today, is barely 100 years old. Chocolate was used by the Aztecs and Mayans as a mainly ceremonial drink. It came to Europe and vied for popularity with coffee and tea. New technology in the 19th century set out to improve its drinkability, texture and handling qualities, and led eventually to a novelty, eating chocolate that quickly came to symbolise love, nurture, luxury and compulsion. Any interest in chocolate and why it's a part of our lives are obvious.
Cath Kerry is a chef who keeps an academic approach to food for consenting adults in private. Her interests and attitude to chocolate are influenced by her passion for knowing why we live as we do, and by her belief that eating well is one of the last affordable and safe pleasures.

Art Gallery of South Australia, North Terrace, Adelaide 5000; Fax 08 8232 7266

David K. Round, Louise Sutherland, and Anne Arnold, Going, Going, Gone: Red Wine Auction Prices in Australia
In recent years in Australia, red wine auctions have resulted in prices which have caught the attention of the public and the press, as selected labels have rocketed in price. The market for red wine in Australia is an incredibly diverse one. A given red wine from one geographic area, from the same vintage, from a particular grape variety, can vary enormously in price from other wines with identical characteristics. Why is this? Economists can explain such price discrepancies easily, at least in theory. In the formal language of economics, they depend on the underlying conditions of supply and demand. This paper presents a preliminary investigation into the operation of the red wine auction market in Australia.
We start by looking at the economic characteristics of the auction process, and then move on to describe the essential features of wine auctions in Australia. Next, we identify the major wine labels which have been driving the auction market, and consider briefly the reasons why these particular wines might be seen as so distinct by buyers. We then move on to a statistical description of the price trends for some of the most commonly auctioned red wines, and analyse the quite marked differences which appear. We conclude with some projections of future prices, and assess, from a price perspective, just what it is that makes a great wine.
David K. Round is Associate Professor in the School of Economics at the University of Adelaide, Louise Sutherland is an honours student in the School of Economics, and Anne Arnold is a Lecturer in Economics in the School of Economics. The research for this paper was funded by a grant from the University of Adelaide. Prof. Round's major research interests are in the areas of competition, policy, price fixing, and mergers.

School of Economics, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5005
[email protected]

Brett J. Stubbs, 'A New Drink for Young Australia': The Transition from Ale to Lager Beer in New South Wales, c. 1880 to 1930
One of the most significant twentieth century developments in the Australian brewing industry was the almost complete replacement of the traditional British top-fermented ale style by the Continental bottom-fermented lager style of beer. In the 1880s and 1890s there emerged in Australia a strong demand for lager beer which was met mainly by bottled imports from Germany and the United States of America. There were also several attempts at local manufacture. In New South Wales, at least, these all failed. During the First World War the curtailment of imports left the demand for lager unsatisfied. Perceiving this gap, Tooth & Co., the largest brewer in New South Wales, successfully launched K.B. (Kent Brewery) lager in 1918. This was a crucial turning point in NSW, providing the momentum for lager eventually to supplant the traditional ale style. This trend was paralleled in other Australian states.
Dr. Brett J. Stubbs is a lecturer in the School of Resource Science and Management at Southern Cross University. His publications include "The Revival and Decline of the Independent Breweries in New South Wales, 1946 to 1961," and his current research includes the brewing industry in Australia.

School of Resource Science and Management, Southern Cross University, P.O. Box 157, Lismore NSW 2480; Fax 02 6621 2669
[email protected]

Posted by David Fahey on February 3, 2008 at 05:10 PM in Academia, Alcohol (general), Australia, Chocolate, Temperance | Permalink

Disappearing and shifting historical collections

The apparent closure of the United Kingdom Temperance Alliance library (or at least less access) makes me reflect on disappearing and shifting historical collections. The decline of the temperance movement has resulted in many teetotal societies closing down or shrinking so badly that they can't maintain their old headquarters. The restructuring of the alcohol drink trade in the United Kingdom has brought about the end of trade organizations over a century in age, as well as the end of historic breweries. Sometimes their libraries and manuscript collections have gone to academic libraries or public record offices and sometimes they seem to have disappeared. Who owns copyright is a mystery.

As I work slowly and get diverted to other projects, I am still processing research that I did in the 1960s and 1970s. Unfortunately, for research in private records this means deciphering my hurried scrawl, as copying services weren't available. An exception was the now defunct Livesey-Clegg temperance library; when I expressed interest in a photocopy of something in a rare periodical, I was advised to remove it from the library and carry it down the street to a commercial copy service.

Of course, there is sadness about what has been pulped or has disintegrated or otherwise lost. I tended to locate important collections in the UK on the eve of returning to the USA. For instance, I found at an organization of London publicans a continuous series from the 1830s of fat volumes containing every multi-copy item distributed by the society, everything from banquet menus to circular letters, low-grade ore but invaluable for a researcher with sufficient time. The next time that I could visit the organization it had lost its long-term, low-rent lease and so had moved to new and much smaller quarters. The volumes that once had been prominent in the library had not survived the move.

Posted by David Fahey on November 22, 2007 at 11:23 AM in Academia | Permalink

New editor for alcohol and drugs history series

The alcohol and drugs history series, published by Northern Illinois University Press, has a new editor. The former series editor, Melody Herr, has moved to the University of Michigan Press. As a result the director of the NIU Press, J. Alex Schwartz, will handle the drugs and alcohol history series. He can be reached by email at [email protected].

Posted by David Fahey on November 13, 2007 at 02:00 PM in Academia, Alcohol (general), Drugs (general) | Permalink