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Intoxicants and intoxication in historical and cultural perspective (conference)








     TUESDAY 20th JULY - THURSDAY 22nd JULY 2010




    Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council



    11.30 – 1.00   Lunch and Registration


    1.00 – 1.10      Introductions -  Angela McShane and Phil Withington


    1.10 – 2.00      Key Note - David Courtwright, University of North Florida

     Intoxication, Limbic Capitalism, and Pleasure Meccas


    2.00 – 3.20     Panel One - Chair: James Kneale, UCL

    Being Affected by Alcohol in the Night-Time City

    Robert Shaw, Durham University


    Addictive Architecture: The Crystal Palace, Gin Palaces and Women's Desire

    Julia Skelly, Queen’s University, Canada


    Everything in its Right Place: Drinking Places and Social Spaces in Nineteenth Century Mexico

    Deborah Toner, University of Warwick

    3.20 – 3.40   Tea


    3.40 – 5.20    Panel Two - Chair: David Clemis, Mount Royal

    Addict Doctors and Drug Addiction Treatment in Denmark, 


                       Jesper Vaczy Kragh, University of Copenhagen


    Whose Intoxication is it Anyway? Liquor Control and Ideas of Addiction in Ontario, 1900-1945

    Dan Malleck, Brock University, Canada


    ‘Physical and Moral Havoc’: Methylated Spirits and Deviant Drinking in Interwar Britain

    Stella Moss, University of Oxford


                       ‘Getting High’: Work In Progress Screening

                       Victor Silverman, Pomona College USA


    5.30 – 6.20    Keynote - Martin Jones, University of Cambridge

    Intoxicants in the Deep Human Past

    7.00             Reception and Finger Buffet





    9.00 – 9.50    Keynote - Christine Guth, V&A

    Intoxication and Otherness in Japanese Visual Culture


    10.00 – 11.40  Panel Three - Chair: Ciaran Regan, UCD

    Representing the Labor of Opium in Mid-Nineteenth-Century British India

    Hope Marie Childers, UCLA


    The Taste of Opium: Opium Monopoly and its Techno-scientific Practices in Colonial Taiwan, 1895-1945

    Hung Bin Hsu, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan


    Means and Methods of Intoxicant Use: Paraphernalia of Drug Giving and Taking

    Michael Montagne, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Boston


                       Intoxicants in Native North America

                       Sean Rafferty, University of Albany


    11.40 – 12.00  Coffee 

12.00 – 1.20  Panel Four - Chair: Rebecca Earle, University of Warwick

                       Target America: Visual Culture and the Science of the

                       Hijacked Brain

                       Timothy Hickman, University of Lancaster


    Exclusion/Inclusion: The Imagery of Drinking and Drunkenness in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Europe

    Thomas Nichols, University of Aberdeen


                        Projecting Addiction: Film and the Visual Imaginary

                        Robert Stephens, Virginia Tech


    1.20 – 2.00    Lunch


    2.00 – 3.40    Panel Five - Chair: James Nicholls, Bath Spa

    Liquid Lives: Mariners and Intoxicants in an Early Modern Port

                       James Brown, University of Oxford


                       Brenda Dean Paul: Drug Addict

    Christopher Hallam, LSHTM


    Becoming "Tight" While Advocating Temperance? College Student Drinking in Antebellum America

    Michael Hevel, University of Iowa


                       Intoxication in the American Civil War

                       Scott Martin, Bowling Green State University


    3.40 – 4.00   Tea


    4.00 – 5.40   Panel Six - Chair: John Chartres, University of Leeds

    Politics, Porter, and Poitin: Contesting Visions of Alcohol Consumption in Eighteenth Century Ireland

    Tanya Cassidy, National University of Ireland, Maynooth; University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada


    Liquor Licences and Spirit Boycotts: The Struggle to Control Liquor in Ibadan and Abeokuta, Southern Nigeria, 1908-9

                       Simon Heap, Plan International


    Drinking for Power: The Great British Drinking Contest of the late-Georgian Era

                       Charles Ludington, Duke University


    Wine, Intoxication and the Politics of Corruption in Eighteenth-Century Stockholm

                       Karin Sennefelt, Uppsala University


    6.00 – 6.50    Keynote - Allen Grieco, Florence

    "I should doe no small benefite…if that I shoulde set out a booke of the natures of wines"; or, Teaching Consumers to Drink Wine in Late Sixteenth-Century England


    7.30             Dinner





    9.00 – 9.50    Keynote - Tom Brennan, US Naval Academy 

    Voices in the Tavern: A Comparative Perspective on Public




    10.00 – 11.40  Panel Seven - Chair:  Rebecca Flemming, Cambridge

    The Origins of Inebriation: Archaeological Evidence for the Use of Alcohol and Drugs in Prehistoric Europe

    Elisa Guerra Doce, University of Valladolid, Spain


    ‘It puts good reason in our brains’: Popular Understandings of the Intoxicating Effects of Alcohol in Seventeenth-Century England

    Mark Hailwood, University of Warwick


    ‘Drinking somewhat liberally': the Role of Alcohol and Intoxication in the 1641 Depositions

    Annaleigh Margey, University of Aberdeen


    From Panacea to Pariah: Psychedelic Drugs and the Problem of Experience

                       Sarah Shortall, Harvard University


    11.40 – 12.00 Coffee


    12.00 – 1.20   Panel Eight - Chair: David Beckingham, Cambridge

    Drinking Places: the histories of drinking cultures in Stoke-on-Trent and Eden

                       Mark Jayne, University of Manchester


    Clubbing, Drugs, Intoxication and the Dance Scene: A Global Perspective

                       Geoffrey Hunt, Institute for Scientific Analysis, Alemeda, CA


                        From Dependence to Binge: Alcohol in Nottingham 1950-2007

                        Jane McGregor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical


    1.20 – 2.00    Lunch


    2.00 – 3.40    Panel Nine - Chair: David Anderson, University of Oxford

    The Intemperate Reich? The Conception and Consumption of Intoxicants inTwentieth-Century Germany

    Victoria Harris, University of Cambridge


                        Anti-Opium Rhetoric in the Age of Empire: Japan, 1895-1945

                        Miriam Kingsberg, University of Colorado at Boulder


    The Making of the National Drug Problem in Pre-Civil War Nigeria: the Colonial State, Doctors and Soldiers on Indian Hemp

    Gernot Klantschnig, University of Nottingham


    From Moral Reform to Bio-Politics? The Anti-Alcohol Movement, 1870-1940

                       Jana Tschurenev and Nikolay Kamenov, Swiss Federal

                       Institute of Technology, Zurich

    3.40 – 4.00    Tea


    4.00 – 5.00    Roundtable - Led by Virginia Berridge, LSHM



    Conference Ends






  © 2010 Faculty of History, West Road, Cambridge CB3 9EF
  Information provided by 
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Posted by David Fahey on October 26, 2010 at 06:13 PM in Alcohol (general) | Permalink