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Alcohol, gender, and technology in colonial Chesapeake (book)
Sarah Hand Meacham, Sex and spirits : alcohol, gender, and technology in the colonial Chesapeake (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, forthcoming, 2009). "It was being too abstemious that brought this sickness upon me": alcoholic beverage consumption in the early Chesapeake -- "They will be adjudged by their drinke, what kind of housewives they are": gender, technology, and household cidering in England and the Chesapeake, 1690 to 1760 -- "This drink cannot be kept during the summer": large planters, science, and community networks in the early eighteenth century -- "Anne Howard ... will take in gentlemen": white middling women and the tavernkeeping trade in colonial Virginia -- "Ladys here all go to market to supply their pantry": alcohol for sale, 1760-1776 -- "Every man his own distiller": technology, the American Revolution, and the masculinization of alcohol production in the late eighteenth century -- "He is much addicted to strong drinke": the problem of alcohol -- A few recipes.
Posted by David Fahey on December 6, 2008 at 01:23 PM in Alcohol (general), Brewing , Cider, Drinking Spaces, United States, Whiskey | Permalink