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Nepal's coffee shops

"In One's (Coffee) Cups," an article in the Nepal Times, April 6, 2007, describes and evaluates about a dozen coffee shops, several of which have more than a single location. They include a representative of foreign chains, Illy, which is headquartered in Italy and offers shade-grown coffee; a coffee seller (Singma Food Court) that offers both Nepali coffee beans and, for a higher price, Starbucks; and another (Himalayan Java) whose "American-style acidic, bitter roast might take some getting used to." Various coffees, desserts and other foods, wi-fi access (free or otherwise), reading materials, and people-watching opportunities get noted in the article. For more, see here.

Posted by David Fahey on April 6, 2007 at 06:22 PM in Coffee, Drinking Spaces, Nepal | Permalink