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Foothold in Vienna for Indian coffee chain

In 2005 an Indian coffee chain, Coffee Day, opened a shop in Vienna, sometimes regarded as the world's coffee capital, and added a second in 2006. Coffee Day has 250 outlets in India. Although there has been a slight decline in coffee houses in Vienna recently, there remain about 2800 places to buy a cup of coffee, many of them in the city center. To accommodate local tastes, the Indian coffee shop added sacher cake, apple strudel, and "melange" (strong coffee with hot milk and milk foam), to Indian specialities such as chai and curries. Another outsider has had only limited success in Vienna. When Starbucks opened its first Vienna outlet in 2001, it hoped to have a total of sixty in five years. It has been forced to settle for nine in Vienna and vicinity. Its Italian-influenced, vanilla-flavored coffee has not displaced traditional Vienna coffee styles. Coffee in Vienna often has a cinnamon flavor (as French coffee sometimes includes chicory). For more, see here.

Posted by David Fahey on October 21, 2006 at 10:59 AM in Austria, Coffee, India, United States | Permalink